phone: 336-861-2120

How can we help you?


The fastest way to reach us is by phone because we value the art of the conversation. It's proven that great conversations create long term bonds. We all have that one close and trusted person we can talk to for hours, and since we have 30 years experience in this industry, we love to talk shop! 

Phone:  336-861-2120

Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 AM to 4:30 PM


The next fastest is email. Scan the QR code and take us with you. This will open a draft email on your phone and you can take us out on the road if you're in a hurry. Don't worry, our email address is already entered. Just type (or speak) your question and hit SEND! If you're old school, you can email us at: or complete the below formEither way, we look forward to hearing from you. Because, you know... we like to talk shop.



If you're SUPER old school, we do still receive regular mail. We LOVE letters and cards that tell us how YOU love your attachment and how you have found creative ways to use yours. 

The Postman Always Rings Twice at:

Raptor Attachments
c/o US Metal Crafters
2400 Shore St.
Archdale, NC 27263